Curaytor, a full service marketing firm, are announcing the launch of a new, free tool, Grade My Ads. This tool helps businesses discover which of their Facebook campaigns were high-performing and which required improvements. This American based company specializes in working with successful small businesses and can boost the marketing efforts of these businesses.
Advertising via Facebook is predicted to increase in revenue by 32.1 percent in 2017 and will be part of the predicted $83 billion US digital ad market of 2017, according to eMarket. This is a significant market and key investment for many businesses.
Grade My Ads analyzes the data of business spending within their Facebook advertising accounts, making sure businesses are not just throwing away their money on useless advertisements. It helps businesses find where their money is wasted on advertising and improves their campaigns and overall social media advertising strategies.
To use Grade My Ad, users simply need to connect using their Facebook business account. Users can access reports describe the success and failures of previous Facebook ad campaigns. The reports provides a score of each campaign in four categories: consistency, quality, effectiveness and budget. Each of these are worth 25 percent, leaving a final score out of 100 percent. According to the Curaytor team, the average score of all the ad accounts they have graded is around 61%.

Chris Smith, Co-founder of Curaytor and USA Today best-selling author of The Conversion Code
“Grade My Ads is essential for assisting people in recognizing what is working best and where to apply the funds by monitoring performance,” said co-founder of Curaytor and USA Today best-selling author, Chris Smith in a press release. “Grade My Ads is essential for assisting people in recognizing what is working best and where to apply the funds by monitoring performance.”
Facebook tools can be difficult to user, however, Grade My Ads keeps it simple as with two clicks the user can discover their advertisements’ strengths and weaknesses.