This September 15-16 Horasis India Meeting, the annual gathering of political and technology leaders from India and across the globe, will be hosted in Athens, Greece.
The focus of this year’s conference will be on furthering the connections between Indian innovators to explore new ventures, using Athens as hub to invest in Greece and Europe.
Horasis, founded by Dr. Frank-Jürgen Richter, is an independent international organization dedicated to inspiring the future of the world. The Zurich-based think-tank hosts annual meetings to advance solutions to the most critical challenges facing corporations and governments today.
Topics at the conference will include why Athens is emerging as Europe’s leading business center, how ESG initiatives can be improved within enterprises, accelerating sustainable growth globally, and positioning India and Greece as leading innovation hubs with a collaborative relationship.
More information on the conference can be found here.

A decade ago, the nation Greece was in an economic crisis followed by years of challenges. Today, the business community is saying 2024 could be the year the country’s rebound is finally complete.
According to Reuters, Greece’s economy is expected to grow nearly 3% in 2024, exceeding the eurozone average of 0.8%. India’s economy is likely to remain the fastest-growing major one in the years ahead, with the country’s economy forecast to grow by 6.9% in 2024.
“The 2024 Horasis India Meeting will bring together some of the most senior members of our community to discuss the future of Indo-Hellenic relations in the prospering city of Athens,” said Horasis Founder and Chairman Dr. Frank-Jürgen Richter in a statement.
“Together, with productive dialogues that address difficult questions, we can inspire a more prosperous future and address economic growth and global inequalities,” added the organization’s Chairman.
Co-hosted by the Hellenic-Indian Chamber of Commerce and Economy and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), the 15th version of the annual summit will take place in Athens. Some of the functions will be attended by high-ranking Indian politicians and other public figures.
Featured photo of Horasis Chairman Dr. Frank-Jürgen Richter